

Original Craft Design (OCD): A Full-service, In-House Dental Lab


CBCT 3D Imaging (Cone Beam Computed Tomography)

Our one-of-a-kind digital lab is equipped with the most advanced technology to provide all your dental prosthetic needs on-site. The streamlined process eliminates transfer errors and shortened your wait time dramatically.


Unlike 2D scans, which are “flat” images, 3D scans allow us to completely visualize the region of interest. Like the difference between a photo and a sculpture, 3D scans give us the details we need to make more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatment plans.


Intraoral Digital Scanner

Digital impressions provide a smooth technique that  produces a high-quality product with a good fit. The process is safer, healthier, and more pleasant for the patient and dental staff as there is no off-gassing of impression materials or potential choking hazards.

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In-Office CAD/CAM System
(Same-day Crown)

The CAD/CAM In-Office Mill is a cutting-edge technology to provide you with streamlined, same-visit crown restorations with superior and precise fit that meet or exceed crowns fabricated in the laboratory


3D Printed Dental Appliances

Dental 3D printers use digital files and additive manufacturing technology to produce customized dental prostheses and restorations, such as crowns, bridges, dentures, and orthodontic appliances, with high accuracy and precision.


Near-Infrared Imaging (NIRI) Cavity Detection

NIRI aids in detecting and monitoring interproximal caries during every routine appointment, without using harmful radiation


Intraoral Camera

The intraoral camera enlarges the inside of the teeth to more than 40 times their actual size on a full color screen display. By zooming in on problem areas in affected teeth, dentists are capable of seeing much more than they could with the human eye alone. Often, dentists find the beginnings of periodontal disease or tooth decay that would have otherwise gone undetected if examined without the intraoral camera.

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Dental Laser Therapy

Compared to traditional methods and surgical devices such as electrocautery, a laser is gentler, more predictable, and often times will not require local anesthetic. Services include frenectomy, gingivectomy, hyperplasia, biostimulation, destruction of a lesion, laser bacterial reduction, and desensitization

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PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)

Platelet-rich fibrin, a derivative of a patient’s blood, is one of the newest advancements in dental treatment. It can be used in order to accelerate healing, reduce pain, and decrease swelling after procedures such as extractions, dental implants, and bone grafting.



Invisalign treatment is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, backed by more than two decades of innovation. Unlike braces, Invisalign clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible. There are no wires and brackets, so you don’t need to change the way you brush and floss. And, you can continue to eat all your favorite foods.